WFP - Women of the Future Programme
WFP stands for Women of the Future Programme
Here you will find, what does WFP stand for in Event Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Women of the Future Programme? Women of the Future Programme can be abbreviated as WFP What does WFP stand for? WFP stands for Women of the Future Programme. What does Women of the Future Programme mean?The Event Management company falls under events services category and is located in London, Greater London.
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Alternative definitions of WFP
- World Food Program
- Windows File Protection
- Working Families Party
- Witness For Peace
- Witness For Peace
- Windows Filtering Platform
- World Federation of Parasitologists
- Wood Fired Pizza
View 56 other definitions of WFP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WEI Wendy Ellen Inc.
- WCSG West Coast Sporting Goods
- WPWC W l Petrey Wholesale Company
- WES Winters Electrical Services
- WITG Western IT Group
- WGL The Wolcott Group LLC
- WZC Work Zone Contractors
- WPY Waltham Partnership for Youth
- WEB W. E. Brown
- WCV West Coast Vascular
- WPT Wholistic Physical Therapy
- WPIC White Pine Investment Company
- WPS Weeke Primary School
- WBT Web Bee Technology
- WPL Wildfire Pte Ltd
- WTCC World Trade Center Cyprus
- WRS Waste Recovery Systems
- WFPD Winfield Fire Protection District
- WTC Whiting Turner Construction
- WLCL Wendy Lewis and Co Ltd